The Horse Anatomy Workbook – Raynor

The Horse Anatomy Workbook – Raynor


The Horse Anatomy Workbook – Raynor

Maggie Raynor has prepared this very detailed labelling and colouring book for equine students fully illustrated and designed to assist in remembering anatomical detail and terminology.

The book is ring bound to open flat. Paperback, 192 pages.

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The Horse Anatomy Workbook – Raynor

The Horse Anatomy Workbook is based on the international best-seller by Peter Goody. Horse Anatomy talented artist Maggie Raynor has prepared a labelling and colouring book for equine students on BHS and college courses to enable this complex subject to be tackled in an enjoyable manner. Each illustration is accompanied by questions designed to assist the student to both research and remember anatomical detail and terminology and all the relevant information is contained within the book. A wonderful learning tool and revision aid.